Would you send your children to that school?

October 31, 2011 § Leave a comment

Yes, yes I would.

It was an amazing experience to visit Simon Langton Grammer School in Kent, UK. As part of the SCIL 2011 Study Tour we met with school leaders who informed us of the leadership structure and vision of the school. There were a few key comments they made that have provided me with some food for thought.

Firstly, they wanted their students achieve more than just the National Curriculum. Rather than setting up programs and classes based on the curriculum they organised teaching and learning modules that were based on innovation, creativity, character development and community involvement. They found that students were much more engaged with this model.

Next, they encouraged each teacher to be researching and learning so that they could be role models for students. The passion and enthusiasm that teachers show is rubbing off on the students and the research they are producing is amazing. Some staff are allocated one day of research to four days of teaching and learning.

When speaking with the students about why they enjoy learning at Simon Langton Grammer they suggested the following:

– Management of the teaching and learning environment is strong;

– Opportunities for students in many disciplines;

– Resources that help to engage learners; and,

– Enthusiasm and passion of teachers.

One of the school projects involved students generating electricity via their foot steps along a school corridor. They could then see how much electricity was required to light different areas of the school.

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